Suppose you want to do something with Lens Protocol and that requires getting the followers of a given account.

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You will default with an UI to an apollo server. Pretty well documented. On the left, you will have the query fields. The easiest way to interact is just to add new queries using that. To get the followers of an account, you will first need the profileId. And to get that, you need the address. With that you need to call the defaultProfile with that address. The Operation and the Variables will look like the following, respectively.

query ExampleQuery($defaultProfileRequest: DefaultProfileRequest!) {
  defaultProfile(request: $defaultProfileRequest) {
  "defaultProfileRequest": {
    "for": "0xA6b94Ce98D6CD4f447a9C6788F169DD17f65f747"

With this you get the profileId, which is something like 0x03683c. To get the followers of that profile, you now request the followers. Again, the Operation and the Variables will look like the following, respectively.

query ExampleQuery($followersRequest: FollowersRequest!) {
  followers(request: $followersRequest) {
    items {
  "followersRequest": {
    "of": "0x03683c"

That’s it. In this example, I’m using my account, which at the time of writting, does not have much activity yet. You can look for others with more activity, like 0x7aa96bFCa841B8FC3879c17555330CBDBbCAD3e8.

One extra, to get the list of profiles the user follows, use following. Once again, the Operation and the Variables will look like the following, respectively.

query ExampleQuery($followingRequest: FollowingRequest!) {
  following(request: $followingRequest) {
    items {
  "followingRequest": {
    "for": "0x03683c"